Saturday, November 8, 2008

Environmental Issues: Renewable Energy

What is Renewable Energy, and how does it work? Learn about the environmental issues and options for renewable energy souces including solar power, wind power, biomass and fusion.
Offbeat Energy Sources (4) Wind Power (3)
Sunny Side of the Street: Highways May Be Used to Generate Solar Power
Using road surfaces to generate clean solar power is an innovative idea being explored in both Europe and the United States. Experts believe that turning highways into solar collectors as well as transportation corridors could generate enough electricity to meet the energy needs of the entire world.
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Alternative Energy StoreThe perfect Renewable Energy Store for a Do-It-Yourselfer!
Environment Ads
Solar Panel Kits Environmental Issue Renewable Energy Law Photovoltaic Panels Burning
Thomas Edison Favored Solar Power Over Oil
Thomas Edison may have invented those incandescent light bulbs everyone is replacing these days, but he was also a pioneer in the use of renewable energy and green technology.
Solar Cell Production Jumps 50 Percent in 2007
Production of photovoltaic solar cells jumped to 3,800 megawatts worldwide in 2007, up an estimated 50 percent over 2006. Growing by an impressive average of 48 percent each year since 2002, photovoltaic production has been doubling every two years, making it the world's fastest-growing energy source.
Let There Be Light: Solar-Powered LED Lamps May Brighten Lives of World’s Poor
An experiment with low-cost, solar-powered light emitting diode (LED) lamps that is lighting up the lives of a handful of families in rural India could become a beacon of hope for millions of poor people worldwide who currently rely on kerosene lamps and other lighting solutions that are toxic--and frequently lethal--when used indoors.
Solar Power: The Pros and Cons of Solar Power
The sun is a virtually endless source of clean, renewable energy, which should make solar power a logical alternative to finite fossil fuels that pollute the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. So why have scientists been unable to find a way to make solar power cost-effective enough for widespread use?
Renewable Energy Sources
Most nations rely on fossil fuels for the majority of their energy, but clean renewable energy is becoming increasingly important as the world faces the threat of global warming and the realization that fossil fuels will eventually run out or become too expensive to retrieve.
Solar Water Heaters: What are the Benefits?
Why solar water heaters are good for the environment, and how solar water heaters can save consumers money.
British Prime Minister: U.S. May Embrace Renewable Energy to Improve E
Learn how new worries about energy security may motivate the United States to join international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow global warming -- something environmental concerns have failed to do.
Sweden Aims to be World’s First Oil-free Nation
Sweden has set an ambitious goal to eliminate its dependency on oil by 2020. The nation of 9 million people already has made a good start at becoming oil-free. Sweden is already less dependent on oil than other nations in the European Union and is a world leader in the use of renewable energy.
Solar-Powered LED Lamps Brighten Lives of Poor People Worldwide
An experiment with low-cost, solar-powered light emitting diode (LED) lamps that is lighting up the lives of a handful of families in rural India could become a beacon of hope for millions of poor people worldwide who currently rely on kerosene lamps and other lighting solutions that are toxic when used indoors.
Renewable Energy - Global Investment in Renewable Energy Sets Record of $30 Billion
Global investment in renewable energy set a new record of $30 billion in 2004, according to a report released by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). Technologies such as wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and small hydro now provide about 4 percent of the world's total supply of electricity.
Green Power - Green Power Partnership Grows to 600 Partners and 3 Billion KWh Annually
The Green Power Partnership is a voluntary partnership between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and organizations that are interested in buying electricity generated from renewable sources. Between 2001 and 2005, the Green Power Partnership grew from 21 to 600 partner organizations that now buy more than 3 billion kilowatt hours of green power annually.
Renewable Energy Use Increasing Internationally
Learn about the growth of renewable energy and its increasingly important contribution to the world's energy supply.
Poor People Need Access to Renewable Energy Resources
According to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, energy poverty is slowing socio-economic development in the world's poorest countries, where 1.6 billion people still lack access to electricity and about 2.4 billion continue to rely on firewood and other traditional fuel for cooking and heating.
What is Biomass Energy?
Humans have been using biomass energy for thousands of years, and it's still an important energy source. Learn what it is, and the part it can play in a strategic renewable energy plan.

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