Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Energi Alternatif Tingkatkan Efek Pemanasan Global

Meningkatnya hasil pertanian di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa untuk menghasilkan energi alternatif yang ramah lingkungan kenyataannya justru meningkatkan efek pemanasan global.

Beberapa penemuan yang patut dijadikan kekhawatiran dari bahan bakar alternatif ini adalah dari pola cara bahan ini dihasilkan, seperti yang digunakan di Eropa. Beberapa penelitian itu juga mengungkapkan lebih dari 70 persennya menyumbangkan efek gas rumah kaca jika dibandingkan bahan bakar diesel yang konvensional.

Bahan bakar nabati (biofuel) adalah bahan bakar yang mampu menyerap karbondioksida sebagai penyebab tingginya efek rumah kaca. Bahan bakar ini pun dinyatakan sebagai bahan bakar ramah lingkungan yang bisa menggantikan bahan bakar fosil.

Tapi sebuah penelitian mempublikasikan bahwa gas yang dihasilkan biofuel justru mampu disimpan dan berdampak pada efek rumah kaca. Hal ini muncul karena disinyalir pupuk yang dipakai oleh petani bisa berdampak pada tanaman yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku biofuel.

Permasalahan dari gas rumah kaca dan nutrionoksida yang justru dikenal oleh para dokter gigi anastesi sebagai "laughing gas" ini ternyata 300 kali lebih berbahaya dibandingkan gas rumah kaca dari karbondioksida. Nutrionoksida itu dapat segera kita tinggalkan tanpa mengalami kerugian apa pun.

Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan akhir-akhir ini justru melihat dampak lain dari energi yang dinyatakan ramah lingkungan. Langkah serius yang harus juga diperhatikan adalah efek sampingnya terhadap kelestarian hutan hujan tropis serta meningkatnya harga bahan pangan.**

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dewi Lestari

Dewi Lestari Simangunsong yang akrab dipanggil Dee (lahir di Bandung, 20 Januari 1976; umur 32 tahun) adalah seorang penulis dan penyanyi asal Indonesia. Lulusan jurusan Hubungan Internasional Universitas Parahyangan ini awalnya dikenal sebagai anggota trio vokal Rida Sita Dewi. Sejak menerbitkan novel Supernova yang populer pada tahun 2001, ia juga dikenal luas sebagai novelis.

Karir menyanyi

Dee terlahir sebagai anak keempat dari lima bersaudara dari pasangan Yohan Simangunsong dan Turlan br Siagian (alm). Sejak kecil Dee telah akrab dengan musik. Ayahnya adalah seorang anggota TNI yang belajar piano secara otodidak. Sebelum bergabung dengan Rida Sita Dewi (RSD), Dee pernah menjadi backing vocal untuk Iwa K, Java Jive dan Chrisye. Sekitar bulan Mei 1994, ia bersama Rida Farida dan Indah Sita Nursanti bergabung membentuk trio RSD atas prakarsa Ajie Soetama dan Adi Adrian.

Trio RSD meluncurkan album perdana, Antara Kita pada tahun 1995 yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan album Bertiga (1997). RSD kemudian berkibar di bawah bendera Sony Music Indonesia dengan merilis album Satu (1999) dengan nomor andalan antara lain, "Kepadamu" dan "Tak Perlu Memiliki". Menjelang akhir tahun 2002, RSD mengemas lagu-lagu terbaiknya ke dalam album The Best of Rida Sita Dewi dengan tambahan dua lagu baru, yakni "Ketika Kau Jauh" ciptaan Stephan Santoso/Inno Daon dan "Terlambat Bertemu", karya pentolan Kahitna, Yovie Widianto.

Karir Menulis

Sebelum Supernova keluar, tak banyak orang yang tahu kalau Dee telah sering menulis. Tulisan Dee pernah dimuat di beberapa media. Salah satu cerpennya berjudul "Sikat Gigi" pernah dimuat di buletin seni terbitan Bandung, Jendela Newsletter, sebuah media berbasis budaya yang independen dan berskala kecil untuk kalangan sendiri. Tahun 1993, ia mengirim tulisan berjudul "Ekspresi" ke majalah Gadis yang saat itu sedang mengadakan lomba menulis dimana ia berhasil mendapat hadiah juara pertama. Tiga tahun berikutnya, ia menulis cerita bersambung berjudul "Rico the Coro" yang dimuat di majalah Mode. Bahkan ketika masih menjadi siswa SMU 2 Bandung, ia pernah menulis sendiri 15 karangan untuk buletin sekolah.

Novel pertamanya yang sensasional, Supernova Satu : Ksatria, Puteri dan Bintang Jatuh, dirilis 16 Februari 2001. Novel yang laku 12.000 eksemplar dalam tempo 35 hari dan terjual sampai kurang lebih 75.000 eksemplar ini banyak menggunakan istilah sains dan cerita cinta. Bulan Maret 2002, Dee meluncurkan “Supernova Satu” edisi Inggris untuk menembus pasar internasional dengan menggaet Harry Aveling (60), ahlinya dalam urusan menerjemahkan karya sastra Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris.

Supernova pernah masuk nominasi Katulistiwa Literary Award (KLA) yang digelar QB World Books. Bersaing bersama para sastrawan kenamaan seperti Goenawan Muhammad, Danarto lewat karya Setangkai Melati di Sayap Jibril, Dorothea Rosa Herliany karya Kill The Radio, Sutardji Calzoum Bachri karya Hujan Menulis Ayam dan Hamsad Rangkuti karya Sampah Bulan Desember.

Sukses dengan novel pertamanya, Dee meluncurkan novel keduanya, Supernova Dua berjudul "Akar" pada 16 Oktober 2002. Novel ini sempat mengundang kontroversi karena dianggap melecehkan umat Hindu. Umat Hindu menolak dicantumkannya lambang OMKARA/AUM yang merupakan aksara suci BRAHMAN Tuhan yang Maha Esa dalam HINDU sebagai cover dalam bukunya. Akhirnya disepakati bahwa lambang Omkara tidak akan ditampilkan lagi pada cetakan ke 2 dan seterusnya.

Pada bulan Januari 2005 Dee merilis novel ketiganya, Supernova episode PETIR. Kisah di novel ini masih terkait dengan dua novel sebelumnya. Hanya saja, ia memasukkan 4 tokoh baru dalam PETIR. Salah satunya adalah Elektra, tokoh sentral yang ada di novel tersebut.

Lama tidak menghasilkan karya, pada bulan Agustus 2008, Dee merilis novel terbarunya yaitu RECTOVERSO yang merupakan paduan fiksi dan musik. Tema yang diusung adalah Sentuh Hati dari Dua Sisi. Recto Verso-pengistilahan untuk dua citra yang seolah terpisah tapi sesungguhnya satu kesatuan. Saling melengkapi. Buku RECTOVERSO terdiri dari 11 fiksi dan 11 lagu yang saling berhubungan. Tagline dari buku ini adalah Dengar Fiksinya, Baca Musiknya. Website khusus mengenai ulasan buku RECTOVERSO ada di

Kehidupan pribadi

Dee menikah dengan penyanyi R&B, Marcell Siahaan pada 12 September tahun 2003. Dari pernikahan tersebut, mereka dikaruniai anak laki-laki yang diberi nama Keenan Sidharta (lahir 5 Agustus 2004). Pertengahan tahun 2008 pernikahan mereka retak. Dee menggugat cerai suaminya Marcellius Kirana Hamonangan Siahaan di Pengadilan Negeri Bale Bandung pada tanggal 27 Juni 2008.

Andrea Hirata

Andrea Hirata Seman Said Harun (lahir 24 Oktober) adalah seorang penulis Indonesia yang berasal dari pulau Belitong, propinsi Bangka Belitung. Novel pertamanya adalah novel Laskar Pelangi yang merupakan buku pertama dari tetralogi novelnya, yaitu :

1. Laskar Pelangi
2. Sang Pemimpi
3. Edensor
4. Maryamah Karpov

Laskar Pelangi termasuk novel yang ada di jajaran best seller untuk tahun 2006 - 2007.

Meskipun studi mayor yang diambil Andrea adalah ekonomi, ia amat menggemari sains--fisika, kimia, biologi, astronomi--dan tentu saja sastra. Andrea lebih mengidentikkan dirinya sebagai seorang akademisi dan backpacker. Sedang mengejar mimpinya yang lain untuk tinggal di Kye Gompa, desa tertinggi di dunia, di Himalaya.

Andrea berpendidikan ekonomi di Universitas Indonesia, mendapatkan beasiswa Uni Eropa untuk studi master of science di Universite de Paris, Sorbonne, Perancis dan Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom. Tesis Andrea di bidang ekonomi telekomunikasi mendapat penghargaan dari kedua universitas tersebut dan ia lulus cum laude. Tesis itu telah diadaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan merupakan buku teori ekonomi telekomunikasi pertama yang ditulis oleh orang Indonesia. Buku itu telah beredar sebagai referensi Ilmiah. Saat ini Andrea tinggal di Bandung dan masih bekerja di kantor pusat PT Telkom.

Practice makes perfect.

Seni menjadi bijaksana adalah tahu apa yang harus diabaikan.
Anda cuma bisa hidup sekali saja didunia ini, tetapi jika anda hidup
dengan benar, sekali saja sudah cukup.
Yang pertama belum tentu yang terbaik, tetapi yang terbaik biasanya
yang terakhir.
Segala hal yang lahir akan mati, tetapi cahaya kehidupan yang
dipancarkan akan selalu bersinar selamanya.
Lebih baik memiliki banyak rencana yang belum terlaksana daripada
tidak mempunyai rencana sama sekali.
Kenangan indah masa lalu hanya untuk dikenang, bukan untuk
Harimau mati meninggalkan warna belangnya.
Manusia mati meninggalkan kesan dan pesannya.
Prasangka adalah anak dari kebodohan.
Jika anda tidak bisa menjadi orang pandai, jadilah orang yang baik.
Rasa takut bukanlah untuk dinikmati, tetapi untuk dihadapi.
Perasaan berani berasal dari perasaan takut yang dipendam
Semua orang dapat melakukan apapun bila ia percaya dan
Apa yang memberi kita kepastian dalam hidup kita adalah keberanian.
Sebagian besar orang akan mengancam bila keadaannya sudah terdesak
dan dirinya telah diliputi perasaan takut, tetapi sebagian lagi akan
melakukannya karena tidak ada pilihan lain.
5 Kelemahan pada setiap orang.
1. Disaat sembarangan, mudah membunuhnya.
2. Disaat takut, mudah menangkapnya.
3. Disaat marah, mudah menghasutnya.
4. Disaat sensitif, mudah menjadikannya terhina.
5. Disaat emosional, mudah membuatnya gelisah.
Seni menjadi seorang manajer adalah dapat melakukan dan menyelesaikan
perkerjaan melalui orang lain.
Management Skills.
1. Memiliki konsep-konsep berpikir.
2. Berani mengambil keputusan.
3. Dapat menganalisa keadaan.
4. Dapat bersosialisasi.
5. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik.
6. Mengerti dan tahu masalah-masalah teknis.
Bila anda ingin menjadi seorang manajer yang baik, anda harus berpikir
dan bertingkah laku seperti manajer yang baik, maka dengan sendirinya
profesi tersebut akan menjadi milik anda.
Salah satu cara memecahkan masalah adalah jangan memulai dengan
mempersoalkan bagaimana masalah itu terjadi, tetapi mulailah dengan
bagaimana masalah tersebut dapat terselesaikan.
Dukunglah karir kekasih anda sepenuhnya, maka anda akan dihormati
Jangan lupa untuk selalu memberikan penghargaan yang sesuai kepada
mereka yang berprestasi, supaya prestasi mereka tetap dipertahankan
dan mereka akan selalu setia kepada anda.
Bila anda bekerja pada seseorang, perhatikan hukum dibawah ini.
Rule : #1. The boss is always right.
#2. If the boss is wrong, see rule #1.
#3. If you can not accept rule #2, than it's time for you
to resign.
Kualitas pemimpin ditentukan oleh :
1. Kebijaksanaan.
2. Kepercayaan diri.
3. Belas kasihan.
4. Keberanian.
5. Keteguhan.

Dimana ada pengampunan disitu banyak kasih.

Didalam kasih selalu terdapat :
1. Kesabaran.
2. Kemurahan hati.
3. Ketidak sombongan.
Terimalah kekasih anda dengan apa adanya dia, maka cinta kasih suci akan
bersemi pada hubungan anda dan kekasih anda.
Apapun kesalahan kekasih anda, bila anda benar-benar mencintaio dia
tulus hati, jangan pernah anda menyakiti dia, apalagi dengan kekerasan.
Memberi tidak harus mengasihi, tetapi mengasihi selalu disertai
dengan pemberian.
Kasih itu identik dengan perasaan sayang yang diberikan dengan
setulus hati dan tanpa paksaan.
Pikiran yang terbuka dan mulut yang tertutup merupakan suatu
kombinasi kebahagiaan.
Langkah pertama mencapai keberhasilan adalah melakukan suatu perkerjaan
kecil dengan sebaik-baiknya dan dengan cara yang benar, hingga
keberhasilan dapat tercapai. Setelah itu lakukanlah pada hal-hal yang
lebih besar.
Semakin banyak anda berbicara tentang diri sendiri, semakin banyak
pula kemungkinan untuk anda berbohong.
Jika anda berpikir tentang hari kemarin tanpa rasa penyesalan dan hari
esok tanpa rasa takut, berarti anda sudah berada dijalan yang benar
menuju sukses.
Rasa kebersamaan sangat perlu didalam menjaga hubungan timbal balik.
Seorang yang terlalu baik hati akan terus menghadapi persoalan.
Kebahagiaan datang jika kita berhenti mengeluh tentang
kesulitan-kesulitan yang kita hadapi, dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas
kesulitan-kesulitan yang tidak menimpa kita.

Wise word

Bersikaplah selalu ceria maka orang akan menganggap anda orang kaya yang
bahagia, walaupun sebenarnya tidak sepeser pun uang di kantong anda.

Environmental Issues: Renewable Energy

What is Renewable Energy, and how does it work? Learn about the environmental issues and options for renewable energy souces including solar power, wind power, biomass and fusion.
Offbeat Energy Sources (4) Wind Power (3)
Sunny Side of the Street: Highways May Be Used to Generate Solar Power
Using road surfaces to generate clean solar power is an innovative idea being explored in both Europe and the United States. Experts believe that turning highways into solar collectors as well as transportation corridors could generate enough electricity to meet the energy needs of the entire world.
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Renewable Energy UseNominate your solution & join the challenge for mobile

Energy efficiencyLearn How to Save Cost & Energy in Your Corporate IT Management

Alternative Energy StoreThe perfect Renewable Energy Store for a Do-It-Yourselfer!
Environment Ads
Solar Panel Kits Environmental Issue Renewable Energy Law Photovoltaic Panels Burning
Thomas Edison Favored Solar Power Over Oil
Thomas Edison may have invented those incandescent light bulbs everyone is replacing these days, but he was also a pioneer in the use of renewable energy and green technology.
Solar Cell Production Jumps 50 Percent in 2007
Production of photovoltaic solar cells jumped to 3,800 megawatts worldwide in 2007, up an estimated 50 percent over 2006. Growing by an impressive average of 48 percent each year since 2002, photovoltaic production has been doubling every two years, making it the world's fastest-growing energy source.
Let There Be Light: Solar-Powered LED Lamps May Brighten Lives of World’s Poor
An experiment with low-cost, solar-powered light emitting diode (LED) lamps that is lighting up the lives of a handful of families in rural India could become a beacon of hope for millions of poor people worldwide who currently rely on kerosene lamps and other lighting solutions that are toxic--and frequently lethal--when used indoors.
Solar Power: The Pros and Cons of Solar Power
The sun is a virtually endless source of clean, renewable energy, which should make solar power a logical alternative to finite fossil fuels that pollute the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. So why have scientists been unable to find a way to make solar power cost-effective enough for widespread use?
Renewable Energy Sources
Most nations rely on fossil fuels for the majority of their energy, but clean renewable energy is becoming increasingly important as the world faces the threat of global warming and the realization that fossil fuels will eventually run out or become too expensive to retrieve.
Solar Water Heaters: What are the Benefits?
Why solar water heaters are good for the environment, and how solar water heaters can save consumers money.
British Prime Minister: U.S. May Embrace Renewable Energy to Improve E
Learn how new worries about energy security may motivate the United States to join international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow global warming -- something environmental concerns have failed to do.
Sweden Aims to be World’s First Oil-free Nation
Sweden has set an ambitious goal to eliminate its dependency on oil by 2020. The nation of 9 million people already has made a good start at becoming oil-free. Sweden is already less dependent on oil than other nations in the European Union and is a world leader in the use of renewable energy.
Solar-Powered LED Lamps Brighten Lives of Poor People Worldwide
An experiment with low-cost, solar-powered light emitting diode (LED) lamps that is lighting up the lives of a handful of families in rural India could become a beacon of hope for millions of poor people worldwide who currently rely on kerosene lamps and other lighting solutions that are toxic when used indoors.
Renewable Energy - Global Investment in Renewable Energy Sets Record of $30 Billion
Global investment in renewable energy set a new record of $30 billion in 2004, according to a report released by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). Technologies such as wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and small hydro now provide about 4 percent of the world's total supply of electricity.
Green Power - Green Power Partnership Grows to 600 Partners and 3 Billion KWh Annually
The Green Power Partnership is a voluntary partnership between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and organizations that are interested in buying electricity generated from renewable sources. Between 2001 and 2005, the Green Power Partnership grew from 21 to 600 partner organizations that now buy more than 3 billion kilowatt hours of green power annually.
Renewable Energy Use Increasing Internationally
Learn about the growth of renewable energy and its increasingly important contribution to the world's energy supply.
Poor People Need Access to Renewable Energy Resources
According to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, energy poverty is slowing socio-economic development in the world's poorest countries, where 1.6 billion people still lack access to electricity and about 2.4 billion continue to rely on firewood and other traditional fuel for cooking and heating.
What is Biomass Energy?
Humans have been using biomass energy for thousands of years, and it's still an important energy source. Learn what it is, and the part it can play in a strategic renewable energy plan.

Environmental Issues: Green Living & Design

Green Living & Design offers practical information on how to put more "green" in your life by making buying decisions and lifestyle choices that help to sustain the environment rather than deplete it. Green living may even save you money while you help to save the planet.
Animals and Animal Testing (3) Green Holidays (9) Environment Friendly Cars (10) Green Living in Your Home (19) Fashion and Entertainment (5) Reducing Waste (7) Green Foods and Drinks (5)
Green Light: Are LED Light Bulbs Better Than CFLs for Eco-Friendly Lighting?
Are LED light bulbs really more energy-efficient than compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)? While most LED light bulbs are neither bright enough nor cheap enough to replace CFLs for every application, they are improving quickly.
Sponsored Links

Green itLearn How to Save Cost & Energy in Your Corporate IT Management

Green ArchitectureGreen computing. Reduce costs. Invest in growth. Find out how now!

Green BuildingsSustainable Energy Managements Systems from Reliable
Environment Ads
Eco Living Green Building Small Green Houses Green Architects The Environment
Slaying Energy Vampires Can Save You Money and Help the Environment
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is urging consumers to be on the lookout for energy vampires—electronic products such as power adapters and cell-phone chargers that continue to suck up electricity even when they are not being used.
Green Roofs are Cool: How Green Roofs Help the Environment
Green roofs use soil and living plants atop homes and commercial buildings to create roofs that do more than provide shelter. Green roofs collect rainwater, reduce runoff, filter pollution, and offer natural habitat for birds.
Green 401(k) Plans Let You Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is
As people become more environmentally conscious, they are looking for additional ways to live green and to make bigger contributions to sustainability. Employees are demanding more green investment options, and more employers are starting to offer 401(k) plans that enable workers to align their dreams of retirement and their dreams of a better world.
New Urbanism: Designing Eco-Friendly and People-Friendly Communities
What makes “new urbanism” housing developments more environmentally friendly than regular old suburban neighborhoods? New urbanisim incorporates green building design and renewable energy to create livable communities that encourage people to walk, shop locally and get to know their neighbors.
Five Easy Ways to Help Save the Planet in 30 Minutes or Less
You may not be able to reduce global warming, end pollution and save endangered species single-handedly, but by choosing to live an earth-friendly lifestyle you can do a lot every day to help achieve those goals. Here are five simple things you can do—in 30 minutes or less—to help protect the environment and save Planet Earth.
Public Transportation: Fast Track to Fewer Emissions and Energy Independence
One of the easiest ways to pocket some extra green while living green is to use public transportation as often as possible. Using public transportation instead of driving alone in your car is good for the planet and good for your budget. Families that use public transportation regularly can save more money annually than the average U.S. household spends on food.
Tired of Mowing and Maintaining Your Lawn? What Can You Do?
Tired of spending dozens of hours and hundreds of dollars mowing and maintaining your grass lawn? Low-cost, low-maintenance alternatives to grass lawns can free you from your lawn mower, save you money, and provide attractive green spaces without the need for toxic chemicals. Learn more about alternatives to grass lawns.
Hemp: Miracle Fiber or Dangerous Drug?
What did the Gutenberg bible, Christopher Columbus' ropes and sails, the Declaration of Independence and the first American flag have in common? They were all made from hemp, a crop so versatile it can be used to make cloth, paper, even food. So why is the United States the only developed nation where growing hemp is illegal?
Autism -- Can Vaccines Cause Autism in Children
Is it true that toxins in some common childhood vaccines cause autism? Should parents consider not vaccinating their children to avoid the possibility of autism? Learn the facts.
Green for Good - Living Green and Doing Good
Green for Good offers consumers an opportunity to live “green” and do good at the same time. Green for Good provides an easy-to-access online marketplace for hundreds of organic and natural products, and the company also donates at least 10 percent of its after-tax profits to ecologically friendly organizations.
Patagonia Founder Urges Business Leaders to Put the Planet Before Profits
An Los Angeles Times profile of Yvon Chouinard, founder and chairman of Patagonia, Inc., traces his development as a reluctant entrepreneur and illuminates his belief that companies should make protecting the environment a core part of their business strategy.
10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Global Warming
Here are 10 things you can do to reduce your energy costs and your use of fossil fuels, which contribute to global warming.
Don't Be Fooled By Greenwash
As you strive to make sustainable lifestyle choices that support the environment, don't be taken in by companies that masquerade as eco-friendly businesses while continuing to wreak havoc on the environment. "Greenwash" is a method of PR and advertising used by some businesses to persuade consumers that they are environmentally responsible when they're not. Learn how to spot the frauds.

Environmental Issues: Global Warming & the Greenhouse Effect

Get news and in-depth information about the causes of global warming and its effects on human life, plant and animal species, and worldwide climate and weather conditions.
An Inconvenient Truth (4) Global Warming and Weather (13) Effect on Natural Resources (3) Governments & Businesses (14) FAQ: Global Warming (5) Greenhouse Effect (2) Global Warming & the Media (7) Kyoto Protocol (1) Global Warming and Health (3) What You Can Do (5)
How to Calculate—and Reduce—Your Carbon Footprint
Use online calculators to measure your carbon footprint and discover how you can reduce your carbon footprint with simple, everyday lifestyle changes.
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Global WarmingEverything about Global Warming Global Warming news, pics and
Environment Ads
Environmental Issues The Environment Effects Pollution Pollution Causes CO2 Global Warming
Climate Change Creating More Refugees than War
The number of refugees and displaced people worldwide is increasing at a rapid rate, and climate change is a major cause, according to a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
European Union Tells US Airlines to Go Green or Get Lost
U.S. airlines must start paying for carbon credits to offset their carbon dioxide emissions or face restrictions, or a possible ban, on flights to the European Union, according to EU Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot.
Federal Court Upholds California’s Right to Control Vehicle Emissions
A federal court judge upheld California's right to regulate vehicle greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, despite the efforts of automakers to stop the law from taking effect.
Pachauri Accepts Nobel Peace Prize for UN Environmental Panel
During his Nobel Peace Prize lecture, R.K. Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC, stressed the connection between environmental protection, human rights and peace, and urged world leaders to heed the warnings of scientists and take immediate action to curb global warming. The IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.
Al Gore Accepts Nobel Peace Prize, Calls for Immediate Action on Global Warming
During his Nobel Peace Prize lecture, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore stressed the urgent need for immediate and decisive action to curb global warming and avoid its most devastating effects. Gore shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Both were honored for their work to raise awareness about global warming.
Global Warming: Causes, Effects and Solutions
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a series of reports in 2007 that set forth conclusions about the causes and effects of global warming as well as the costs and benefits of solving the problem. The reports are intended to help policymakers make informed decisions and develop effective strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and control global warming.
All About Global Warming
Climate change, specifically global warming, has captured the attention of people worldwide and has inspired more debate and action—personal, political and corporate—than perhaps any other environmental issue in history. But all of that discussion, along with the mountains of data and conflicting points of view that go with it, sometimes make it hard to really know what’s going on. This guide will help you cut through the rhetoric and confusion and get to the facts.
Controlling Global Warming is Cost-Effective and Within Reach
Solving the growing problem of global warming due to excess greenhouse gas emissions is cost-effective, affordable and well within reach, according to a report by the world's leading climate scientists.
Catastrophic Effects of Global Warming Have Already Begun, says IPCC
A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that the effects of global warming are serious and inescapable--and many of those effects are already taking place.
How is Wildlife Affected by Global Warming?
How does global warming affect wildlife? Most researchers agree that even small temperature changes can send hundreds of already struggling species into extinctionun less we stem the tide of global warming. Learn how global warming affects wildlife around the world.
Global Warming is Unstoppable and Humans are to Blame
A report by a United Nations group of international scientists makes it clear that the consequences of global warming are no longer avoidable and that human activity has been the primary cause of rapid global warming for more than half a century.
How Does Carbon Sequestration Help Reduce Global Warming?
Maybe you've heard the term "carbon sequestration" in connection with climate change and global warming. Maybe you've wondered what carbon sequestration means and how it can help reduce global warming. While most efforts to curb global warming focus on lowering carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration is aimed at dealing with carbon that has already been released.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pengembangan Teknologi Fluidized Bed Drying untuk Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM)

Kamis, 1 Februari 2007

Halomoan P. Siregar, R. Ismu Tribowo, Sukarso, Yatno S., Topik Yudi

Industri kecil menengah umumnya mempunyai banyak kendala dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya, mulai dari masalah permodalan, peralatan proses produksi, manajemen, pasar dan sebagainya. Khusus kendala peralatan proses produksi dari hasil penelitian yang pernah dilakukan pada industri pangan, kondisinya cukup sederhana dan tradisional dengan skala kapasitas produksi terbatas tetapi dengan hasil produk cukup baik sedang pasar masih mempunyai potensi untuk pengembangan yang lebih luas dilain pihak juga efisiensi penggunaan energi proses produksi cukup rendah. Peningkatan penggunaan teknologi peralatan proses produksi yang tepat guna dibutuhkan yang dapat meningkatkan kapasitas produksi, kualitas produk serta penggunaan energi proses yang lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan sistem tradisional, dimana implikasinya secara umum akan dapat menekan biaya produksi sekaligus meningkatkan kualitas produk sehingga hasil produk dapat lebih bersaing. Oleh karena itu dirancang program kegiatan rekayasaan rancang bangun teknologi peralatan proses produksi dalam kerangka untuk membantu dan membina serta pengembangan industri kecil dan menengah. Kegiatan dimulai pada pengembangan teknologi peralatan proses pengeringan untuk industri kecil menengah. Proses pengeringan merupakan unit operasi dimana penggunaan energi cukup intensif setelah jenis unit operasi lainnya seperti proses destilasi sehingga cukup strategis di dalam kerangka program penghematan energi dewasa ini. Teknologi peralatan pengeringan yang dipilih adalah teknologi fluidized bed, dimana diketahui bahwa teknologi ini mempunyai koefisien perpindahan panas cukup baik, sehingga lama proses pengeringan relatif singkat dan tentunya dengan penggunaan energi relatif hemat dan kemudian dengan hasil pengeringan lebih merata/seragam.

Clean coal? Idea made it to campaign trail

As the U.S. election season draws to a close, one of the biggest environmental issues has been "clean coal." Both candidates for president have come out in support of it.

Some environmentalists say it is an oxymoron, while others feel it is a viable option for using abundant coal reserves wisely. The debate is complicated by the fact that clean coal is not well-defined.

"It's an abused term that people use to justify whatever they are doing," said John Thompson, director of the Clean Air Task Force's Coal Transition Project.

For some, clean coal means reducing the pollutants that cause smog and acid rain, but for others this is not enough: They say coal remains dirty as long as it continues to release the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

"I am an environmentalist, and the reality is that coal is killing the planet as we are using it," Thompson told LiveScience.

The big caveat
Coal can, at least in theory, be burned with little or no carbon footprint, but it requires something called carbon capture and storage (CCS), in which CO2 is separated from the coal (either before or after burning) and buried underground.

The trouble is that CCS has never been tried on a commercial scale, and some environmentalists think that it is only being talked about to provide cover for continued coal use. "'Clean coal' is the industry’s attempt to 'clean up' its dirty image – the industry’s greenwash buzzword," reads a Greenpeace Web site.

Barack Obama has said that he would develop five first-of-their-kind coal-fired plants with CCS technology. John McCain has pledged $2 billion annually on clean coal technologies.

"Whoever wins on Tuesday, we'll wake up on Wednesday and still be getting 50 percent of our electricity from coal," Thompson said.

Politicians must find ways to meet constantly growing energy demands. With coal being the cheapest option, the black ore seems indispensable to further economic growth.

Levels of dirtiness
"Compared to the soaring price of oil and natural gas, coal might seem cheap," reads a brochure from the Natural Resources Defense Council. "But appearances are deceiving: The true costs of conventional coal extraction and use are significant."

Sometimes called the dirtiest fuel, coal burning releases particulate matter associated with respiratory problems, sulfur dioxide (SO2) tied to acid rain and nitrogen oxides that contribute to smog.

One can clearly see the effects of these pollutants by looking at China, which burns twice as much coal as any other country. Air pollution from Chinese coal burning not only causes health problems in China (as highlighted by the Beijing Olympics), but some of this material ends up floating all the way to the United States.

However, coal can be burned in a cleaner way.

In the United States and other countries, new power plants are required to implement pollution-reduction technologies. In some plants, for instance, the coal is pre-washed to remove impurities, and the smokestacks are equipped with "scrubbers" that filter out SO2 and particulate matter from the flue gas.

Still, none of these technologies address carbon dioxide. Coal emits more CO2 than any other common fuel: 80 percent more than natural gas and 35 percent more than gasoline, for a given energy output.

Two NASA scientists recently released a report that claimed coal is the biggest threat to the climate.

"We found that because coal is much more plentiful than oil or gas, reducing coal emissions is absolutely essential to avoid dangerous climate change," said Pushker Kharecha in a press release.

Although estimates vary, the amount of coal still underground equals roughly 250 years at current consumption rates.

"It's not a question in my mind of whether we will burn it," Thompson said. "The only question is whether we will burn it with CCS or not."

Is CCS feasible?
The U.S. government had plans to build a $1.8 billion CCS demonstration plant in Illinois called FutureGen, but the Department of Energy cut its funding earlier this year, blaming cost overruns.

Coal opponents say this is evidence that CCS is too expensive and too risky.

Thompson disagrees. Carbon dioxide is already being separated from coal in gasification plants that make fertilizer or synthetic natural gas (syngas). The separated CO2 is currently released into the atmosphere, but pipelines could be built to divert the gas to saline aquifers where it could be stored.

Ironically, China has one of the most developed gasification industries. "They are poised to be the leaders in CCS technology," Thompson said.

As far as the costs, the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report in 2005 that said CCS can lower by 30 percent or more the cost of carbon reduction policies.

Still, many environmentalists refuse to concede the need for continued coal use, believing that truly clean energy technologies, such as wind and solar, should be the focus.

"Some say a dollar for coal is a dollar taken away from renewables, but I think that is shortsighted," Thompson said. "I'm not willing to bet the planet on coal going away anytime soon."

Ozone hole over Antarctica was 5th biggest

NEW YORK - This year's ozone hole over Antarctica was the fifth biggest on record, reaching a maximum area of 10.5 million square miles in September, NASA says.

That's considered "moderately large," NASA atmospheric scientist Paul Newman said in a statement.

NASA has tracked the size of the hole for 30 years. Last year, it was 9.7 million square miles, about the size of North America.
The hole is an area of depletion in the stratospheric ozone layer, which blocks harmful ultraviolet rays from space. Created by human-produced gases, the ozone hole generally forms in August and grows to its maximum size in September or October before breaking